Communications Team Lead

Title: Communications Team Leader 

Purpose:  To lead the Communications Team in ensuring consistent communications for events and programs at St. Luke’s and reinforce St. Luke’s positive image within the different communities we reach.

Responsible to: Communications Team, Senior Pastor and Staff Liaison

Description of Duties: Facilitate Communications Team meetings. Provide standards of communications for St. Luke’s. Attend monthly meetings to review communication needs at St. Luke’s. Plan and execute communication tasks for events at St. Luke’s.

Time Requirements: 1-4 hours per month.

Term: 2 years, longer if so desired.

Training and Resources: Staff and Staff Liaison

Skills and gifts: computer knowledge, web knowledge, journalism and marketing – helpful but not necessary.

Benefits to one serving in this role: Coordinating many services with specialists at St. Luke’s who work together to create a polished product that keeps the congregation aware and informed.

Completed by/date: Amy Ash September 11, 2011